Long Island MacArthur Airport (ISP) is owned and operated by the Town of Islip and is located between Montauk Point (sixty-seven miles to the east) and Manhattan (fifty miles to the west). The Town of ISLIP is looking to improve the functional and structural performance of the west terminal apron pavement. The apron is located between the west side of the SheltAir apron to the terminal apron – Gate A2. The proposed apron pavement design will provide the necessary structural and functional performance in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5320-6F “Airport Pavement Design & Evaluation” to support the proposed design fleet mix and the proposed critical aircraft for the airport. The proposed apron pavement section will be determined as part of the design process for this ramp, measuring approximately 247,000 SF.
The scope of work DY had provided to JKL was focused solely on the design of the structural and repair aspect of the pavement.