Woodbine Airport is a public-use airport located in Woodbine, New Jersey. The airfield consists of two asphalt runways, Runway 1-19 and Runway 13-31, a full-length parallel taxiway, a paved aircraft apron, and several hangars. The airport contains a pilot-controlled medium intensity runway and taxiway lighting system, Precision Approach Path Indicators (PAPIs), and Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL’s).
DY was responsible for the Design and Construction Management of this project. DY’s design intent was to provide an added margin of safety in the form of an RSA, DY designed it such that the areas beyond the end of the runway were graded smoothly with minimal grades and is stable enough to support an aircraft, should it ever be necessary. The RSA was not required to be paved and DY had not designed it to be that way. The area also provides positive drainage away from the runway end and DY had ensured that no fixed objects would be located within a specified distance of the runway end. DY had in its design ensured that we met all FAA requirements for an RSA.