Obstruction Analysis and Environmental Assessment

Bayport Aerodrome (23N), NY

Bayport Aerodrome (23N) is a historic public-use general aviation airport located one mile northwest of Bayport, New York. The airport is owned and operated by the Town of Islip. Prior to this project, DY Consultants performed an AGIS survey and an obstruction analysis to identify obstructions to the airspace surrounding the airport.

DY Consultants was tasked by the Town of Islip and the FAA to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and FAA guidelines (FAA Order 5050.4B and 1050.1E). The study’s objective consists of mitigation of obstructions to ensure the airspace surrounding the airport provides a safe unobstructed approach and departure for aircraft.

DY led the development of several alternatives that fulfilled the purpose & need of this project. The alternatives evaluation process began with the development of conceptual alternatives which were further analyzed to clearly highlight the operational, safety and environmental impacts associated with proposed actions. A preferred alternative was selected as part of this process.

DY also studied the existing environmental conditions within the project’s ‘Project Area’. It included a thorough review of the 16 environmental impact categories identified in the FAA 1050.1F Desk Reference.

Finally, DY assessed the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of the Preferred alternative on environmental resources, including construction-related (temporary) and operational (permanent) impacts. It involved high coordination with the FAA and the appropriate environmental agencies. If applicable, proposed minimization, mitigation and/or best management practices (BMPs) were proposed.


  • Environmental