LONG ISLAND ( June 7th, 2017) – DY Consultants attended a client panel held by The Long Island Affiliate of SMPS New York to discuss current developments at local airports on Long Island and the New York region. Hosted by William A. Fife, P.E., Chair of the ASCE MET Section Airport Group, the session included presentations from Shelley LaRose Arken, Airport Commissioner at Long Island MacArthur Airport; Anthony Ceglio, Airport Manager at Francis S. Gabreski Airport; and Tony Vero, Deputy General Manager at LaGuardia Airport. This event provided insight on capital programs, the design and construction process, future trends and upcoming projects, as well as offering a great opportunity to network with industry officials. Click here for an event re-cap, written by Vivian Yan, Marketing Manager of DY Consultants: http://smpsny.org/blog/2017/06/16/event-recap-long-island-client-panel-airports.